Privacy Policy

© Euroboon, United States

Welcome to, a dynamic social network and marketplace where users and vendors connect. At Euroboon, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This comprehensive Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, share, and protect the information gathered through your interaction with our website and services.

We invite you to read this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”), which explains our privacy practices and how we handle personal information collected through Euroboon our marketing activities, our live events, from third party sources, and other activities described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy also explains how we use and share such information and choices you have about your personal information.

We use “Euroboon” to refer to the Euroboon websites and/or our iOS and Android apps. Those websites and apps, and any other services we offer, are referred to as our “Services.” We also use “Euroboon,” “we,” “us,” and “our” to refer to the companies operating our Services as described in the Terms. A “Member” is an individual or business representative who has registered to use our Services.

Unless otherwise indicated, this Privacy Policy applies to all of our Services in all geographies in which Euroboon offers its Services. Some parts of this Privacy Policy apply only to our Services offered in particular geographies; please see Section 10 for additional information. Capitalized words used but not defined in this Policy have the meanings given in the Temrs.

Who Provides Your Services?

Services are provided by Euroboon, contact us at

How to Contact Us. If you would like to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy or with any questions or comments about our privacy practices, please use the information provided above to contact the Euroboon entity that provides Services where you reside.

1. What Personal Information Is Collected?

We may collect personal information about you from you directly, from other Members or other users of our Services, through technology that automatically collects information from your browser or device, and from third party sources. See below for examples. Note that not all Euroboon account types and features are available in all locations, so some of the examples below may not apply where you live. Additionally, these examples are not exhaustive and we may collect personal information that is not specifically listed below, which we use consistent with this Privacy Policy. We may also provide supplemental information about our data collection or privacy practices in disclosures about specific Services or circumstances, or in some cases, at the time we collect personal information from you. Any personal information that we collect will be used and processed in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.

1.1 Personal information we may collect from you

  • Your personal details.

    • When you sign up for Euroboon, you will need to provide certain information about yourself, such as your name and email address. You may also choose to provide other personal details, either when you sign up or at a later time, such as a profile picture, short biography, your nationality, languages you speak and demographic information. Additionally, you may  choose to reveal information about yourself in your Euroboon profile, or when you post or comment on Euroboon, which is described in more detail below.

    • If you want to join Euroboon or use our Services before they have been introduced to your neighborhood, then you can choose to give us your contact information and ask us to notify you when we introduce our Services to your community.

    • If you contact support, you will need to provide us with your contact information along with a description of the issue in order for us to be able to respond or provide support to you.

  • Data from other accounts. If you use a third party service, like Facebook, Google, or Apple to log in to Euroboon (or if you connect a third party account to your Euroboon account at any other time), then you authorize that third party service to share your personal information with us. This information may include your name, photo, email address, and any other information you agree to let the third party service share with us. (The specific personal information they share with us will depend on the third party’s privacy practices, agreements we have with the third party, and choices that you have made related to the third party’s sharing of your personal information.)

  • Information you share about yourself and your community.

    • You may share information about yourself in your profile, including your interests, skills, a profile photo, biographical information, or things that you love about your community.

    • You may post on Euroboon. Posts may include text, images, photos, videos, tags of people or places, polls, events, offers to sell or give away items, or anything else you want to share.

    • You may send direct messages on Euroboon. Direct messages may include text, images, photos, or videos.

    • You may share information about your interests, including by joining and/or posting in a Group, RSVPing to an event, or following a community or post.

    • You may add your location to a post, for example, to let your members know where an event is happening or where to pick up an item listed.

    • You may share information about local businesses in review or rating, comment, or by claiming or creating a place page.

  • Payment information. If you make a payment either to or through Euroboon, then you are providing our third party payment processors (for example, Stripe) with your payment card details and other payment information in order to complete the transaction.

  • Survey data. We may contact some Members to request participation in a survey or other general research. If you choose to take part in these, you may provide personal information, in or along with your survey responses, or in any other feedback or comments you give us. In addition, you may choose to provide nationality information about yourself in response to our welcoming platform survey. This information will be used only to better understand and address potential bias in our Services.

  • Contests, sweepstakes, and prize drawings data. If you take part in a contest, sweepstakes, or prize drawing, then you may provide personal information, feedback, or comments in order to enter, or as part of the contest, sweepstakes, or prize drawing.

  • Messages and email data. We collect information about you when you send, receive, open, read or otherwise engage with messages, email, or other communications in connection with our Services, including whether you have opened or acted on those communications. 

  • Images, photos, and videos. You may choose to give permission for our Services to collect images, photos, videos, and other information from your device’s camera and photo library. For example, when you choose to include images, photos, or videos in your posts these files may include metadata indicating how, when, where and by whom the files were created and how they are formatted. Metadata may be accessible to other Members or anyone else who can access the files.

  • Geolocation. You may choose to grant our Services permission to access your device’s precise geolocation, which we may use to confirm your address and help us operate or personalize our Services, including by tagging posts, providing information on or adding information to a map, and helping us show you more relevant content or ads.

  • Business information. If you use our Business Services, you may share details about your association with a business and services offered by you or the business.

  • Booking information. If you book a service using a third party, you may share information related to the bookings you seek, such as your search terms, service type and job desired, timing, service address, cost, and associated communications.   

1.2 Personal information we may collect from your browser or device

With your permission, where it is required by applicable laws, we, our service providers, and partners collect technical information when you visit or use Euroboon, engage with our partners, or interact with Euroboon’s or our partners’ marketing communications, including:

  • Device data. Device data may include your device’s manufacturer and model, operating system and version, screen resolution, RAM and disk size, CPU usage, IP address, unique identifiers (including identifiers used for advertising purposes), crash data (if applicable), what device settings you’ve enabled, carrier, radio/network information (e.g., WiFi, LTE, 3G). (As described above, we may collect geolocation data from your device with your permission, or we may derive your general location, such as city, state or geographic area, from your IP address or other data.) Your device and software settings affect what information your device makes available to us.

  • Online activity data. Online activity data may include the date and time you visited, duration of access, the browser or app version you used (and its settings), the URLs you came from and went to, and how you used Euroboon or interacted with our emails and other messages. For example, online activity data may include how and when you navigated within Euroboon, and which links or features you clicked on, including advertising.

Some of the data collection described above is facilitated by cookies and similar technologies.

1.3 Personal information we may collect from third parties and public sources

We may collect information about you from third parties (such as companies we partner with or that provide services to us) and public sources. For example:

  • Vendors and partners to Euroboon provide various information, such as:

    • Map and residential address information in order to help us launch Euroboon .

    • Information about Members and their communities for advertising, analytics, personalization, and measurement purposes.

    • Information about businesses to help us create business pages and offer our Services to businesses.

  • Advertisers provide us with information about their customers or potential customers to help us customize advertising and measure the performance of their advertisements.

  • Public sources, such as census data, street addresses, property lot maps, postal address change information, and business listings, provide us with information that helps us understand our Members, improve our Services, and determine potential areas for expansion.

1.4 Personal information we may collect about non-Members

If you have not registered to use Euroboon, your information might still be collected. Members may choose to share information about their contacts, for example from contact lists, address books, or if they manually enter your information.  Contact information we collect about you may include your name, email address, phone number, or other information about you. Members may also post or comment with personal information about non-Members.

Additionally, we may obtain information about non-Members from our third party partners, which we may use to invite non-Members to join Euroboon. 

2. How Is My Personal Information Used?

We use personal information for the following purposes:

2.1 Establish and develop communities

We use personal information to identify and invite potential new Members to Euroboon, and to set up new Euroboon communities. For example, you can ask us to invite potential new Members to join Euroboon on your behalf.  We do this by sending emails (including reminder emails) to potential new Members. Additionally, if Euroboon is not available in your country, you can ask us to notify you once our Services become available.

2.2 Set you up on Euroboon.

To get Members started on Euroboon, we use personal information to:

  • Confirm Member accounts using several techniques, including checking against third party data and public records, verification codes, or geo-verification. We also use public registries to block registered sex offenders in the United States (and other countries where permitted by law) from signing up for our Services. In some circumstances, we may ask for additional information (such as government-issued identification and business documentation) to confirm Member accounts.

  • Populate Member profiles and personalize your experience of Euroboon.

  • Notify communities of new Members as they join the community.

  • Create and offer Business Services, which help Members learn about the businesses in their communities.

2.3 Provide and improve our Services

We use personal information, and both manual and automated systems, to analyze and use your Content and Member Content (as defined in the Terms) and other information, including to:

  • Operate Euroboon, create posts/listings, suggest posts/listings, invite members, and improve our products and features.

  • Help you create, publish, view, share, and respond to Content, including highlighting interesting posts.

  • Highlight groups, community topics or other resources.

  • Administer and obtain feedback via surveys, sweepstakes, contests, or other promotional activities.

  • Highlight businesses, ads, offers, products, and services you may be interested in.

  • Provide Business Services, such as enabling Business Pages and promotional services.

  • Provide third party services to facilitate your service bookings and understand your experience with them.

  • Personalize your experience of Euroboon.

  • Understand trends, usage statistics, and demographic data relating to the Members and communities we serve.

  • Respond to your support requests and comments.

  • Test and evaluate potential new products and features on Euroboon.

  • Diagnose and resolve problems, and monitor usage and resource needs.

  • Accept payments, through our third party payment processors.

  • Communicate with you about Euroboon or our Services, including by sending announcements, updates, security alerts, and support messages via email, notifications, and text messages.

2.4 Create and maintain a trusted environment

We may use your information to help create and maintain a trusted environment on Euroboon, including:

  • To detect and prevent fraud, spam, abuse, security incidents, and other harmful, unauthorized, unethical, illegal, or otherwise objectionable activity or content.

  • To conduct security investigations, audits, and risk assessments.

  • To comply with our legal obligations.

  • To confirm or authenticate information or identification.

  • For the legal and safety reasons described in Section 3.3 below.

2.5 Advertising

We use personal information to provide and improve advertisements and other commercial offerings both on and off our Services, including:

  • To help customize advertisements based on what we think may interest you.

  • To provide and measure the effectiveness of advertising, including whether it is interesting to Members and effective for the advertiser.

  • To send you promotional messages, marketing, advertising, and other information that we think may interest you.

  • To invite you to participate in events or other relevant opportunities.

We may customize advertising offers you see on Euroboon based on information from our advertisers or vendors, on the demographics, or on your actions, selections, or preferences on Euroboon. For example, a home services company might provide a list of addresses eligible for a special deal that we may offer to Members who live at those addresses. Or, if you search Euroboon for a particular product, we might show you advertisements for providers of that product or related or similar products. Our third party advertising partners also use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about Members for advertising purposes as described in Section 3.4 below.

2.6 Research and development

We use personal information for research and development purposes. As part of these activities, we may generate aggregated, deidentified and/or other anonymous data from personal information we collect. We do this by removing information that makes the data personally identifiable to you or other individuals. We may use this anonymous data and share it with third parties for lawful business purposes, including to analyze and improve our Services and promote Euroboon.

2.7 Other purposes, with your permission

With your permission, we may also use personal information for purposes that are not specifically described here, but may be presented within the Services or in other documentation.

3. How Is My Personal Information Shared with Others?

We share personal information with other Members or other companies as follows:

3.1 Content you share on Euroboon

Euroboon is a platform that Europeans in United States turn to daily to give and get helpful information in order to get things done. To that end, the Content you share on Euroboon, such as posts, comments, recommendations, messages, events, listings, posts and your profile information, may be visible to other Members, businesses, governments and agencies, or the public, including Visitors (people who have not registered for our Services but may still access parts of our Services, as defined in the Terms) and search engines and this Content may include personal information. If this information is cached by third party search engines or other third parties, please note we do not control the practices of these third parties, and they may use caches containing outdated information. Please consult the privacy practices of these third parties for additional information.

3.2 Account confirmation

We may share personal information with our verification partners, such as telecommunications providers (if you choose to confirm your account by providing your telephone number) or other data providers, to try to make sure that you are who you say you are.

3.3 Legal and safety reasons

We may retain, preserve, or share your Content and personal information with law enforcement, government authorities, and private parties if we have a good-faith belief that it is reasonably necessary to: (a) respond, as required by applicable law, to a valid, binding legal request (e.g., a valid subpoena, search warrant, court order, or other legal process from government or law enforcement); (b) detect, investigate, prevent, and address fraud and other unauthorized, illegal or unethical activity, security, or technical issues; (c) protect our or others’ rights, property, or safety; (d) enforce our Terms or any other agreements we have with you; (e) prevent physical injury or other harm to any person or entity, including you and members of the general public. For example, we may share your personal information with disaster relief agencies, first responders, and other individuals to facilitate disaster or emergency response efforts.

3.4 Advertising

If you view, click on, or reply to an advertisement or other offer on our Services, we may share your reply and limited Member information, both of which may contain personal information, with the advertiser. Additionally, we may log and share your interaction with online advertisements, for example as part of tracking the effectiveness of the advertisement. We may also pre-populate replies to ads you click on with your contact details, but those details are not shared with the advertiser without your consent.

Our Services are supported by advertising, including third party advertising networks. With your consent, our advertising partners use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about our Members and their devices over time across Euroboon and other online services. Where permissible according to applicable law, we may share certain personal information, such as hashed emails and advertising identifiers, with our advertising partners that help serve targeted online advertising to those Members or to similar audiences. Our advertising partners may be able to associate this information with you based on your advertising identifiers or other personal information they have about you. Our advertising partners may then use the information they collect to provide our Members with customized ads on Euroboon as well as on different websites and services, and to measure the effectiveness of their ads.

3.5 Third party partners

Euroboon may partner with third parties that give Members the ability to book a range of different services. Offers for services may be integrated into Euroboon, such as through Services, or Euroboon may provide links to other websites or apps featuring the offers. In order to tailor offers for services to you, we may share personal information with these third parties, such as your language, the business topic of the content you are viewing, or a business search query (for example, a search for “handyman”). When you engage with one of these offers you or Euroboon may share additional information (such as contact information) directly with the third party partner or their representative. If you engage with third party partners through Euroboon, the third parties may share with us certain personal information about you to allow us to monitor, coordinate, assess, and improve our Services provided to you. This may include information about a booking you make with the third party, including type of service, name and address of provider, the time of booking, and your communications with the third party. These third parties may have their own privacy policies, which may apply to your activity if you click on or interact with their offers featured on Euroboon or other websites or apps.

3.6 Service providers

We may also share personal information with service providers and/or data processors to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services. These service providers and data processors are contractually obligated to use personal information only to provide their service to us, and are contractually prohibited from using it for their own purposes. They provide a variety of services, including payment processing, information technology, generative artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, fraud prevention, hosting, customer relationship management and support, communications delivery, marketing, advertising, and website and mobile application analytics.

3.7 Social media

Our Services include certain social media features, including a social media share button. If you choose to share Content with personal information using this button, information about that Content will be shared with the selected social media platform.

3.8 Within the Euroboon family

We may share personal information within our “Euroboone family” to help provide, maintain, and improve our Services. As we grow and Euroboon becomes available in more countries, we may expand the Euroboon family within which we share personal information by establishing local subsidiaries or other affiliates in these countries as needed to help us provide our Services there.

For more information about cross-border transfers of personal information, see Section 6 below titled “International Transfers of Personal Information”. 

3.9 Business reorganization

We may share personal information with the relevant participants in transactions (or potential transactions) involving a corporate divestiture, merger, consolidation, acquisition, restructuring, reorganization, or sale or other disposition of some or all of the assets of, or equity interests in Euroboon or our affiliates (including, in connection with a bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

3.10 Professional advisors

We may share personal information with our professional advisors, such as lawyers, auditors, bankers and insurers, where necessary in the course of the professional services that they render to Euroboon.

3.11 Payment processors

Any payment card information you use to make a purchase on our Services is collected and processed directly by our payment processors, such as Stripe. The use of any payment information that you choose to share with Stripe is governed by its own privacy policy, at  

4. What Are My Choices?

You may have a right to access your personal information. If you are a Member, you may access your personal information through your account and download your personal information.

Our systems are not currently configured to accept browsers’ “Do Not Track” signals, as no industry-wide standard for handling them has been adopted.

See our jurisdiction-specific disclosures in Section 10 below for more information about legal rights you have if you live in a listed jurisdiction.

5. How Long Is My Personal Information Kept?

We retain personal information in our server logs, our databases, and our records for as long as necessary to provide our Services. We may need to retain some of your information for a longer period, such as in order to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, to resolve disputes or defend against legal claims, or to enforce our Terms.

6. International Transfers of Personal Information

Euroboon operates internationally, and your personal information may be transferred to and processed on servers outside the jurisdiction where you live. We typically transfer personal information to the United States, which is where Euroboon is headquartered and where many of our Services are based.

Depending on where you live, your personal information may be transferred to jurisdictions other than your home country, including the United States, and those other jurisdictions may have different or less protective data protection laws than the jurisdiction where you live. In addition, the rights of authorities to access your personal information in other jurisdictions may not be the same as in your home jurisdiction.

By continuing to use Euroboon, you understand and consent to the transfer and processing of your personal information outside your home country, which may have data protection rules that are different or less protective from those of your home country, including the United States.

Euroboon will only transfer personal data as permitted by law, and Euroboon will only process personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We will take steps designed to ensure appropriate protection of your personal information. If you have questions about international transfers of personal information, please contact us.

For residents of Europe or countries with aligned data protection laws, additional information is provided in the jurisdiction-specific disclosures required under European data protection laws. 

7. How Is My Personal Information Protected?

7.1 Account security

Euroboon uses technical and organizational measures intended to keep your data secure, including using https on our web pages to reduce the risk of unauthorized interception of your communications during your visits to the website. However, the internet is not a fully secure environment and we cannot guarantee that personal information won’t be intercepted or improperly accessed. Please ensure that you keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

7.2 Other services and websites

When using Euroboon, you may come across links to websites and services operated by third parties that are not owned or controlled by Euroboon (for example, if a Member shares a link to a video on YouTube, or if an advertiser provides a link to a contest or sweepstakes). This Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected on any third party website or application that may link to or be accessible from our Services. These third parties have their own privacy policies, which govern any personal information they collect. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for such external websites’ privacy and security practices.

8. Personal Information Relating to Children

Children are not allowed to use our Services if they are under 13 years old or not old enough for Euroboon to process their personal information without parental or age-specific consent in the place where they live. If you believe we may have collected personal information from a child in one of these categories, please contact us at for us to investigate and delete this information as appropriate.

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please review it periodically. If we materially change this Privacy Policy, we will take steps to notify you in advance of the change as required by applicable law, for example by emailing you or by posting a notice in your neighborhood feed. If you object to any changes, you may delete your account. You acknowledge that your continued use of our Services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information is subject to the updated Privacy Policy, as of its effective date.

  • This policy is effective from Mar 19, 2024